Coastal Child and Adult Therapeutic Services

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CCATS are delighted to announce that we have won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award at the 9th Wyre Business Awards 2024!

The 2024 awards follow our previous successes for our 2018, 2019, and 2022 wins for Employer of the Year, along with our 2023 wins for Team of the Year and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Award considers the commitment to contributing to the well-being of communities and society through various environmental and social measures, through four key pillars of environmental, ethical, philanthropic, and economic responsibility.

Some examples of CCATS meeting our environmental responsibility including reducing our office footprint and renovating our office facilities with sustainability in mind. Our ethical responsibilities include adhering to ethical and professional practices with our clients, and providing regular well-being assessments of our staff. We address philanthropic responsibility by inspiring children and young people into psychology and mental health careers as part of the Wyre Raising Aspirations Programme. Our economic responsibility is demonstrated through initiatives such as offering free initial consultations and dedicating work hours to support the University of Central Lancashire’s Psychological Support Hub.

We are grateful to the whole team for their support.

We are pleased to announce that we have been shortlisted as a finalist for Corporate Social Responsibility in the Wyre Business Awards 2024.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Award considers the commitment to contributing to the well-being of communities and society through various environmental and social measures across four key areas: (1) environmental responsibility (e.g., reducing carbon footprint), (2) ethical responsibility (by operating in an ethical manner), (3) philanthropic responsibility (e.g., through charity and volunteering), (4) economic responsibility through integrating social and environmental considerations into financial decision-making.

Over 100 entries were submitted across 14 individual categories, with 40 businesses now progressing to the final on Tuesday 12 November at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood.

For more details, see the Wyre Council website.

CCATS have walked away with two awards at the Wyre Business Awards!

Members of the CCATS team with the Corporate Social Responsibility award

CCATS won the Corporate Social Responsibility and Team of the Year 2023 awards. We are delighted to win these two awards, which reflects the hard work of the team! A big thank you to all of our staff for helping to make these awards happen. The 2023 awards will take pride of place alongside our 2018, 2019 and 2022 wins for Employer of the Year.

Members of the CCATS team with the Team of the Year award

Held in early November at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood, the Wyre Business awards celebrate local businesses and their contribution to Wyre’s economic growth. The event was attended by approximately 300 people from organisations across Wyre and the Fylde coast.

Further details can be found on the Wyre Council website.

CCATS are delighted to be involved in Validation Training Events, focusing on the development of a new tool (CASEE). The CASEE looks to determine vulnerability and protective factors in young people felt to be at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). These are free validation events, running in 2023 and early 2024. They are open to participants if they work with children/have knowledge of the area, such as psychologists, social workers, solicitors, teachers, therapists and the police.

Attendees utilise case material to formulate vulnerability and risk considerations of those felt to be at risk of/are being exposed to child sexual exploitation/have been exposed to child sexual exploitation (CSE). This is to aid understanding, management and support of the young person. If anyone is interested to know more, please email Dr. Carol Ireland at

CCATS has partnered with the University of Central Lancashire for a three-year fully-funded PhD programme of research looking at developing and validating the CASEE: Children Adolescent Sexual Exploitation Evaluation.

This tool is looking to support professionals in working with young people exposed to (or are at risk of) child sexual exploitation. We are pleased to be an integral part of this research programme and to have secured this funding. Any clinicians or professionals interested in getting involved, please do get in touch at

CCATS have won ‘Employer of the Year’ at the Wyre Business Awards! We are honoured to win this award again, which reflects the hard work of the team who are delighted with the award. The award will take pride of place alongside our 2018 and 2019 wins for Employer of the Year.

The Employer of the Year category is judged in respect of an open and inclusive work culture, inspiring leadership and management, staff training, retention and recruitment, innovative working environment, and encouraging young people to work in the organisation through apprenticeship or training schemes.

The celebration event was attended by over 200 business people from across the Wyre and Fylde area. The judging panel comprised of experienced professionals from a wide range of backgrounds, including Lancaster University, the BBC and the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire.

Further details can be found on the Wyre Council website.

Wyre Business Awards 2022 - Finalist

We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted as a finalist for Employer of the Year at the Wyre Business Awards 2022! The Wyre Business Awards celebrate achievement and success among businesses and organisations in the Wyre area across 12 categories.

CCATS have previously won Employer of the Year in 2019 and in 2018 at the Wyre Business Awards, alongside an Investors in People win in 2019.

Finalists were chosen from many nominations across 12 award categories. The CCATS team are very proud to have been listed for this award, where people are at the heart of everything we do.

The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood on 24 November 2022.

Further details about the awards are available on the Wyre Council website.

CCATS are running a free psychology conference concerning key topics in forensic and clinical settings. The conference, “Forensic engagement and psychological health issues in youth: Advancement and Understanding”, will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 16 November 2022, from 9:00am to 4:30pm (GMT).

There are talks covering a range of issues including radicalisation in adolescence, child sexual exploitation, harmful sexual behaviour, self-injury, aggression intervention, and trauma-focused intervention, and a keynote presentation from Dr. Kathryn Gardner from the University of Central Lancashire. You can view the full conference information below, including the schedule, speaker biographies and abstracts.

Places are limited. Please contact Dr. Carol Ireland on if you would like to attend!

CCATS offer a range of specialist training. Please visit our training and events page for more information.

CCATS are running a free psychology conference concerning key topics in forensic and clinical settings. The conference, “Psychological Health: Advancement and Understanding”, will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 23 February 2022, from 9:00am to 4:15pm (GMT).

There are a range of talks from CCATS staff, many of whom are active in their research fields, as well as a keynote presentation from Dr. Kathryn Gardner from the University of Central Lancashire. You can view the full conference information below, including the schedule, speaker biographies and abstracts.

Places are limited. Please contact Dr. Carol Ireland on if you would like to attend!

CCATS offer a range of specialist training. Please visit our training and events page for more information.

CCATS is developing a training package for staff who work in educational settings with young people or adults who present with harmful sexual behaviour.

This is a training package which aims to help educational providers meet needs identified in Ofsted’s recent review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges and new inspection requirements.

The training will include definitions, examples, and consideration of age (in)appropriate sexual behaviours, psychological models which explain the occurrence of the behaviour, and ways to respond and manage HSB. CCATS is an organisation that has worked therapeutically with harmful sexual behaviour in young people and adults for over 10 years and our clinicians look forward to sharing this expertise through training delivery.

See our Training and Events page or contact CCATS on